Friday, 6 January 2017

D1:Ho Chi Minhl到达 → Meraki Boutique Hotel入住 → Pham Ngu Lao (backpacker area)询问及预定Cu Chi Tunnels Half day tour → Ben Thanh Night market走走逛逛 + 晚餐 → Go 2 bar喝酒狂欢 → BS mart买买夜宵

D1:Ho Chi Minhl到达  Meraki Boutique Hotel入住  Pham Ngu Lao (backpacker area)询问及预定Cu Chi Tunnels Half day tour -- Ben Thanh Night market走走逛逛 + 晚餐 -- Go 2 bar喝酒狂欢 -- BS mart买买夜宵

胡志明市, 又称“西贡”。由于许多法国殖民时期的建筑,所以也有东方小巴黎之称。但是这个城市亦在发展亦在被破坏当中哦!这次的2017跨年倒数之旅是一个很突然的决定,所以做功课的时间真的很短。很幸运的是这次的行程都能完成,可谓概括了90%胡志明市必到的景点哟~ (费用和简介可以参考上篇文章哦!)
从新加坡搭飞机到胡志明市,直飞约2个小时。但是当天空中交通忙碌,所以我的航班再空中盘旋转圈圈的飞了多半小时才能降落于Tan Son Nhat国际机场。(很重要,要说三次:是国际,国际,国际机场。因为当地朋友说两个机场有点距离,方向也不一样,所以一定要跟司机说清楚呀!)

越南跟马国、新加坡有时差。当地慢我们一小时。(所以我的朋友们已经跟我说了很多很多的“新年快乐”,而我还在跟DJ Soda一起狂欢派对哦!)
通关后,先办事个Sim Card。。转了一圈,问了问,找到了最便宜的配套,决定用160,000 Dong来注册一个当地电话卡 ,除了可以打local call以外,还有4GB internet data可用。(**备注:他们的unlimited data其实还是有limit的,所以不知道为什么他们还写unlimited。XD)

从机场一路塞到酒店,车费共计147,000 dong,但是司机不找钱,所以花费变成了150,000 dong T_T(**备注:只推荐VINASUN和MAILINH的士。可是Grab Car会比Taxi来得便宜哦!)


由于抵达机场已将近1730(当地时间),再加上通关排了1小时、Taxi排队另外半小时、8km的距离(机场-酒店)塞了1小时,所以差不多当地晚上8点,才得以Check In酒店。
这次入住的酒店:Meraki Boutique Hotel(不要弄错了哦!他们同一条街有两间,旧的名为Meraki Hotel。)
之所以选择它,是因为它的地点就在热闹区Bui Vien Street。整条街早上是开Cafe的,一到晚上则经营Pub & Bistro。超热闹,也是必到区!(不爱吵闹或容易被吵醒的朋友们,不鼓励住这区哟~)让大家看看我落脚的地方呗!

入住酒店后, 快快放下东西就下楼前往第一站Pham Ngu Lao(范老五街)Pham Ngu Lao 其实就在与酒店距离隔一条街而已。先前往Pham Ngu Lao 的原因是要在他们关店前找当地旅行社报名Cu Chi Tunnels Half day tour。
其实在入住时,酒店接待员也有推荐Cu Chi Tunnels配套给我,但是只有Private Tour package(可以参考酒店下图-酒店Cu Chi Tunnels配套价钱表)
文里提到的旧Meraki Hotel,因为check in的时候才知道去错了。
但是服务人员很好,会帮你体行李还有带你去到不远处的Meraki Boutique Hotel。

结果在酒店隔两间找到这间tour company。。价钱比其他便宜,大家不妨来问问。

两人配套,相等于US $11。(未包含110,000 Dong / pax的 Cu Chi Tunnels入门费哦!)
目的完成后,就是医肚子的时候啦!按照我的行程,火数前往Pho 2000。结果到了,才被服务员通知所有的Pho卖完了。(才晚上9点,还有一小时他们家才打烊,竟然卖完了!!)Ben Thanh Night Market就在Pho 2000门口,所以我带着我饿饿的肚子伤心的去night market找吃。让大家看看Ben Thanh Night Market的情景吧!
从Pho 2000一踏出门口就可以看到热闹的人群。。

这就是姐姐我解决晚餐的night market路边档啦!
Sandy Travel Bag最爱就是道地的美食。不用装潢气派,最终要是够道地!
越南鸡肉河粉,Chicken Pho (Phở gà) = 50,000 dong
烤肉饭,Broken rice (Cơm tấm) = 55,000 dong

越南炸春卷(猪肉)= 40,000 dong




40,000 dong 一份哦!
逛了逛night market,可能今天比较热闹,很多游客。卖家个个出价特高。所以买了件连身裤就离开了。
相约的地点是在我酒店那附近的一间有名的Pub & bistro,名为Go 2 Eat / Go 2 Bar。

必喝的道地啤酒。(话说在新加坡的价钱比tiger还贵,可朋友说在hcm当地tiger比较贵,也很多人爱喝tiger beer)
个人认为Saigon beer比较好喝,顺口!XD(shhh~~不要告诉我妈咪我喝酒呀~)


这间也是很有名哦!就在Go 2 bar正对面。

就是她啦!!我的新朋友。大家可以叫她Miss Ngoc。
安全回到酒店~~ 是时候睡觉了~~晚安噜~~

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

RM501越南🇻🇳富国岛之4D3NHo Chi Minh自由行-2017倒数之旅✌🏻️


小编这次与往常一样选择了不夜城,住在Bui Vien街…
这区早上都是经营cafe,但是一到晚上,这里就变成了狂欢区咯🎉… 而且这里也是很多🎒客最中意的地方哟~
小编的酒店 - Meraki Boutique Hotel
3晚 = RM381相等于RM 127/晚

在没有促销的情况下就直接买了SG - HCM的机票~~ $180 换算相等于RM540
平日无论是从Singapore 或是Johor Bahru直飞,机票价钱介于RM270 - RM350。。
- 旅行的日期是30/12/2016~02/12/2017,因为是跨年,所以机票价钱是平时的双倍!!T_T

汇率:SGD$1 = 16,000 Vietnam Dong / RM1 = 5050 Vietnam Dong
**提前在Singapore兑换了$300,包括旅店费用、购物、还量身定做了Aodai Traditional服饰,也没花完回国哦!!

小编在机场购买了4GB Internet Data + Local Call的Sim card哟~
问了所有的卖家,最后用160,000 Dong买了这配套。。

【4天行程总花销(2人份)】1人大约是RM501.13 = 共计RM1002.26
吃:约RM394.53【1,992,400 Dong(早午晚餐 + 夜宵 + 路边摊 + 其他小吃 + 狂欢喝酒 + 高级Bitexco Financial Tower喝酒)】;

住:约RM381【3晚Meraki Boutique Hotel】;

行:RM80.20【Taxi 150,000 Dong (从机场到酒店,还是繁忙时段所以价钱偏高)、Grab car 145,000 Dong(在市区)、Grab car 110,000 Dong (酒店到机场,也属繁忙时段)

游:约RM114.85【Cu Chi Tunnels Half day Tour 240,000 Dong、Cu Chi Tunnels入场220,000 Dong、Museum of HCM门票30,000 Dong、Independence Palace门票60,000 Dong、War Remnants Museum门票30,000 Dong

其他:约RM31.68【Local Sim Card 160,000 Dong】;


【4天3夜Ho Chi Minh Count down行程】
D1:Ho Chi Minhl到达 -- Meraki Boutique Hotel入住 -- Pham Ngu Lao (backpacker area)询问及预定Cu Chi Tunnels Half day tour -- Ben Thanh Night market走走逛逛 + 晚餐 -- Go 2 bar喝酒狂欢 -- BS mart买买夜宵;

D2: 酒店早餐 --  Binh Tay Market -- Cholon(Ho Chi Minh's Chinatown)+ Early Lunch @ Lai Ky Mi Gia -- 妈祖天后庙 -- Chinatown天后宫 -- Ho Chi Minh Museum -- 走走Saigon River -- 逛逛Bến Nghé (District 1, Nguyễn Huệ Street) -- Ho Chi Minh City Hall -- Museum of Ho Chi Minh City -- Independence/Reunification Palace in Ho Chi Minh -- War Remnants Museum -- Mariamman hindu temple -- HIgh Tea @ Une Journée à Paris -- Satra Food mart -- Ben Thanh Morning Market -- Saigon Square 1购物 -- Dinner @ Pho 2000 -- Ben Thanh Night Market (继续血拼) --Pham Ngu Lao -- Count down @ District 1(Nguyễn Huệ Street);

D3:酒店早餐 --  早上0830启程前往Cu Chi Tunnels -- 逗留Handicapped Handicraft -- Cu Chi Tunnels到达 +  回酒店冲凉-- Tran Hung Dao拍拍照 -- Dinner @ Black Cat Restaurant  -- Dong Khoi Street -- 52楼:Eon Heli Bar @ Bitexco Financial Tower & Sky Deck -- Bến Nghé (District 1 Night view) -- Ho Chi Minh Opera House -- Vincom Center -- Saigon Notre Dame Cathedral (Night view)-- Central Post Office( Night view)-- Central Park -- Supper @ CO GIANG STREET seafood -- Bui Vien Street -- Aeon Mart;

D4:酒店早餐 --  Saigon Notre Dame Cathedral -- Central Post Office + High Tea @ Pacey cupcakes ho chi minh -- Lucky Plaza  (Satra Mart - bought snacks & souvenirs) -- Lunch @ Bun Cha 145 Bui Vien  -- Phuc Long Coffee & Tea -- 机场到达 -- 晚餐@机场 -- Changi Airport到达;

1. 要量身定做Aodai越南传统服饰必须要在1天前定做, 价钱介于RM130 ~ RM150(记得喊价)。
2. 男生们可以量身定做Formal Shirt呀!到处问了最便宜为USD17。。大概需要24-48小时,不包括Public Holiday哟~
3. 当地朋友提点小编用Grab car,价钱比Taxi便宜30-50%,而且不用为塞车的价钱表猛跳而担心受怕哦!!
4. 小编的行程已经涵盖了90%必到景点哦!!
5. 由于时间关系,所以无法到Mui Ne沙漠景点体验一番,要去的朋友们可要有心里准备。去程需5小时车程,回程另外5小时。。
6. Mekong Delta River没去的原因是已经体验过Floating market了,听其他游客说真心没什么,所以不想浪费旅费哦!!

【English version】
Hey guys, check this out for my Ho Chi Minh City free & easy itinerary and photos..
Here to introduce the local food you should eat & places to visit and have fun
Objective for Sandy Travel Bag is to share you the backpacker experience & encourage friends to see the world with little 💰

Per my usual practice, I choose to stay in an area that never sleeps - Bui Vien street...
This area have cafes operating in the morning and will turn into pubs and bistros when the dusk sets in where you can party all night long... Bui vien street & Pham Ngu Lao are also known as backpackers area...
My Hotel: Meraki Boutique Hotel
Booked at where 3 nights = RM381 which is equivalent to RM 127 / night
** I strongly recommend to stay at this hotel because their service is very good &  the price is inclusive of breakfast. Location wise is the best choice‼️
** Gentle reminder: On the day of return, I heard a Korean gal shouting frantically. Highly suspect that she has been robbed ... so for those who are going to Ho Chi Minh City please pay close attention to your safety and watch out for your own belonging👀

【About Tickets】
As travel period falls in the New Year’s Eve period, Tiger Air had no ticket promotions for direct flight from SG to HCM ~ ~ My air ticket was SGD180 which is equivalent to RM540.
**Gentle Reminder: 
Usually the direct air ticket price from Singapore or Johor Bahru to HCM is within the range of RM270 - RM350.
- My travel date was 30/12/2016 ~ 02/12/2017 so it falls in the New Year period, hence it’s double of the usual price!!  

【Currency Exchange】
Exchange rate: SGD $ 1 = 16,000 Vietnam Dong / RM1 = 5,050 Vietnam Dong
** I exchanged SGD300 worth of Dong before the trip in Singapore, which includes the hotel fee, shopping, tailoring of the Ao Dai Traditional costume and still had some left. Hence SGD200 or RM600 will be more than adequate for the whole trip.

【About Communication】
I bought a local Sim card with the package of 4GB Internet Data + Local Call with 160,000 Dong which is equivalent to RM31.
**Note: Surveyed around the airport and this is the best package.

【4D3N Total spending (For 2 people)】 1 person is about RM501.13 = Total RM1,002.26
Eat: RM394.53 【1,992,400 Dong (Lunch + Dinner + Supper + Street Food + Alcoholic drinks - including Go 2 Bar & Bitexco Financial Tower) 】;

Hotel: RM381 【3 nights Meraki Boutique Hotel】;

Transportation: RM80.20【Taxi 150,000 Dong (from airport to the hotel during peak hours so the price is steeper), Grab car 145,000 Dong (in the town area), Grab car 110,000 Dong (hotel to airport during peak hours) 】;
** Note: Due to New Year period, the air ticket was excluded from the total spending as it was too expensive, usually RM800 is enough for Ho Chi Minh City including Air ticket.

Entrance Fee: RM114.85【Cu Chi Tunnels Half day Tour 240,000 Dong, Cu Chi Tunnels entrance fee 220,000 Dong, entrance fee for Museum of HCM 30,000 Dong, Independence Palace ticket 60,000 Dong, War Remnants Museum ticket 30,000 Dong】;

Others: about RM31.68 【Local Sim Card 160,000 Dong】;
** Souvenirs and shopping were not included. For those who wish to tailor Ao Dai (Vietnam traditional costume), please give allowance of one day in advance for tailoring. 

【Itinerary for 4 Days 3 Nights】 Ho Chi Minh Count down Trip
D1: Ho Chi Minh Arrival - Check in Meraki Boutique Hotel - Pham Ngu Lao (backpacker area) Enquiry & Booking for Cu Chi Tunnels Half Day Tour - Ben Thanh Night Market (walk around and dinner) – Go 2 Bar Bui Vien Street (drinks) – BS mart (supper and essentials) ;

D2: Breakfast in Hotel - Binh Tay Market - Cholon (Ho Chi Minh's Chinatown) + Early Lunch @ Lai Ky Mi Gia - Mazu Temple - Chinatown Thien Hau Temple - Ho Chi Minh Museum - Saigon River - Bến Nghé (District 1, Nguyễn Huệ Street) - Ho Chi Minh City Hall - Museum of Ho Chi Minh City - Independence / Reunification Palace in Ho Chi Minh - War Remnants Museum - Mariamman Hindu temple - High Tea @ Une Journée À Paris - Satra Food mart - Ben Thanh Day Market - Saigon Square 1 (Shopping) - Dinner @ Pho 2000 - Ben Thanh Night Market (more shopping) - Pham Ngu Lao - Count down @ District 1(Nguyễn Huệ Street) ;

D3: Breakfast in Hotel - 0830 Departure to Cu Chi Tunnels – Drop by Handicapped Handicraft - Cu Chi Tunnels Arrival + Back to hotel - Tran Hung Dao (Take photo) - Dinner @ Black Cat Restaurant - Dong Khoi Street – Level 52th Eon Heli Bar @ Bitexco Financial Tower & Sky Deck - Bến Nghé (District 1 Night view) - Ho Chi Minh Opera House - Vincom Center - Saigon Notre Dame Cathedral (Night view) - Central Post Office - Central Park (Night view)  - Supper @ CO GIANG STREET seafood - Bui Vien Street - Aeon Mart;

D4: Breakfast in hotel - Saigon Notre Dame Cathedral - Central Post Office - Dessert @ Pacey cupcakes Ho Chi Minh - Lucky Plaza (Satra Mart - bought snacks & souvenirs) - Lunch @ Bun Cha 145 Bui Vien – High tea @ Phuc Long Coffee & Tea - Dinner @ Saigon Airport - Changi Airport arrival;

** Additional Information:
1. For those who wish to tailor Ao Dai (Vietnamese traditional costume), the price range is from RM130 ~ RM150 (remember to bargain!).
2. Guys should tailor formal Shirt in Ho Chi Minh City. The cheapest we asked around was about USD17 and it takes about 24-48 hours to complete not including Public Holiday.
3. Gentle reminder from local friend that Grab car service is around 30-50% cheaper than Taxi. Furthermore, you need not worry about the meter jumping continuously during traffic jam.
4. My trip itinerary has covered 90% of the MUST GO attractions.
5. Due to time constraint, I did not get to experience the desert attraction: Mui Ne. For those who are going please be prepared that it takes about 10 hours by bus for round trip to the location. 
6. I did not cover Mekong Delta River because I experienced the Floating market In Thailand and heard that there is nothing special from the reviews of other tourists so I skipped it to save time and money.

FB Vietnam Trip photo link here!
Please follow my instagram for more travel photos! 
Instagram ID: dydy_kitty (Sandy Travel Bag)
** You may follow my FB "Sandy Yeow“ for any other travel log update.